Yuri Tanaka
Ph.D. (Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts). Currently, a visiting researcher at Kyoto City University of Arts, a visiting scientist at CERN, and the head of Cosmic Art Research Committee. She was a researcher in residence at Ars Electronica Futurelab in Linz, Austria in 2015.
She has been pursuing to create a diverse collaboration mediated by ‘the universe’ as a mutually acceptable idea among different experts. Her projects can be mostly found in public spaces or at art/science festivals.
Selected awards:
2006 The Edith Coliver Festival of Cultures 2006 Award, International House, the University of California, Berkeley
2019 2020 Art Activities Special Grant, THE ASAHI SHIMBUN FOUNDATION
2022 Art Renaissance Award, in Tokyo Geidai Art Fes 2022, Tokyo University of the Arts